Israel-Gaza war: China and Arab states condemn ‘continued aggression’ in Gaza, urge support for Palestinian statehood – Technologist

China and Arab states have slammed Israel’s “continued aggression” against Palestine, including its attack on Rafah, Gaza’s southernmost city, while urging more countries to formally recognise Palestinian statehood.

In a 21-point statement issued during meetings in Beijing, the two sides called for greater efforts to promote an “early ceasefire” and a “comprehensive, just and lasting” solution to the Palestine issue.

“The Palestinian people in the Gaza strip are forced to suffer deadly famine and blockades, cutting off all livelihoods,” the statement, published by Chinese state broadcaster CCTV said.

It added that thousands of Palestinians have been “detained and abused” and “both sides condemn Israel’s continued aggression against the Palestinian people”.

The invasion of Rafah also drew condemnation from China and Arab countries.

Earlier this week, Israeli air strikes on a camp housing displaced Palestinians killed at least 45 people, drawing sharp criticism from countries and human rights organisations. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the air strike a “tragic mistake”.

Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a speech at the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum in Beijing on Thursday. Photo: AFP

China has sought to play a bigger role in the Middle East crisis, but its mediation efforts have made little progress.

In the statement, China and Arab countries said Israel – as the “occupying power” – was “responsible for the dire humanitarian conditions” in the Gaza strip.

They also urged the United Nations Security Council to issue a binding resolution to push for an immediate ceasefire while condemning the United States for using its veto powers to prevent Palestine from becoming a full member of the organisation.

China, which has supported Palestine’s accession to the UN as a full member, earlier criticised Washington’s move to block a UN resolution backing Palestinian membership in April as “disappointing”.

Beijing has long called for coexisting Israeli and Palestinian states and the two-state solution was described as the “only realistic way out” by China and Arab states in the statement.

To that end, the statement called for the international community to adopt “irreversible measures” to promote the establishment of an independent Palestinian state so that its people could exercise their “inalienable legitimate rights”.

“Both sides call for the convening of a larger, more authoritative, and more effective international peace conference as soon as possible to launch an authoritative peace process based on recognised international principles,” the statement added.

Chinese President Xi Jinping made the same suggestion when he addressed Arab leaders at the forum on Thursday, where he also warned that “the war cannot continue indefinitely [and] justice cannot be permanently absent”.

China and Arab states also welcomed recent moves by countries including Ireland, Norway, Spain and Slovenia to formally recognise an independent Palestinian state, and called on more countries to follow suit.

The development – which angered Israel – was described in the statement as a “driving force for the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people and international and regional peace, security, and stability”.

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